Office 365

Seamless integration between Microsoft Office 365 and VSware

Student and teacher account provisioning

With VSware’s Office365 integration, students can be automatically provisioned with Office365 accounts by simply adding them to P-POD and let VSware take care of the rest.  The process is very similar for staff, they can be added to VSware as normal, the schools can decide whether to automatically create usernames and passwords or choose to do it manually for staff.

Class list synchronisation

VSware can synchronise groups between your timetable and Office365. The types of VSware groups that can be synced from VSware are:

- Teaching groups e.g. 3FreA, 4PEC
- Class Groups e.g. Tara, Plunkett, 1A
- Free form Groups e.g. U15GAA, Basketball
- Year Groups e.g. 1st Years, Transition Years

VSware’s Office365 integration encourages deep engagement from teachers and students, resulting in greater utilisation of your school’s digital infrastructure and maximises the investment made into your digital strategy.What happens if a student changes class in Vsware. Will this make my Office365 class lists outdated?  Using the Class List Manager in VSware will mean that not only class lists in VSware are automatically updated but Office 365 groups are always accurate and up to date.

Email students & organise class calendars

Powering Outlook with VSware data will enable teachers to email or start discussions with all students in 1st Year Spanish by simply emailing All students in that class will receive the email.

Document sharing

With VSware’s Office365 integration teachers can share documents instantly via OneDrive with their students.


With OneNote, teachers can invite their students to share and edit worksheets.  All powered by VSware’s Office365 integration.

Same sign on

VSware enables schools to take control of the user’s password, so student password resets within VSware can be done by anybody with the correct permissions in the school, reducing the overhead of remembering different passwords for different systems.